
What does the delicacy of a flower ask of us?
Fragrance hearted progeny to summer. Does it make us kinder, gentler people to treasure them?
Each, an elegace unlaced from winter branches.
Sometimes I wish we could all exist this gently every day, to break beyond the exterior bark, open and comfortable with our own beauty; to let the unexpected in-- the rain or the exceptional bee mingling inward to collect the inner pollen, leaving some from across the field...even if only to wither, exhausted at the end of day (every day), ; to fall into sleep, to dream and again the next day, wake to open white and wide again. Available.
Please visit post at Tumbleword's sister site.
Peace to all who enter here.
Romantic photograph!
These pictures are so evocative and intriguing... I love them.
so beautifully written. I definitely think flowers makes us gentler!
Hey there, birchfriendly lightlover!
One of the sweeter things about the languages I work with is that the term for 'flower' looks as if it originally means something like 'little bursting of light'.
Blooms and blossoms are soft scatterings of hope.
And then in Buddhism, the lotus is the symbol it is because, among other things, it climbs so clear out of the rich messy muck of the world. And maybe another lesson, too: it still ends up in and as the mud again. Which is lovely in its own right.
So yes, winter's ending.
Always much to ponder upon when one heads outside...
Hi mansuetude, I have an award on my blog for you - is waiting there. Na zdravĂ!
(I think we are like this, if we could loose the ability to fear. I wish we would.)
Beautiful words. Beautiful images:)
Whimsy and beautimous, eye delicious. Yumm!!
Your pictures are always very special, you have a good glance. I must concentrate me a lot when I read your texts. It is as a language course with the most beautiful words and thoughts… Thanks, you learn me English!
what calm and meditative and soothing pictures! the words also. it is a joy to be here.
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