Saturday, December 11, 2010

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just born
  It is   the answer that asks the question ~
                    the question is the sheath, a husk

                dwell within the answer

       as always, the peace



ArtPropelled said...

Are those stars winking at me? I like the photo too. Peace and Thanda to you Mansuetude.

mansuetude said...

the stars, yes, with the big help of a young friend of mine. Not allowed online, she thought that was Cool.

peace and thanda to you Robyn. Happy Holidays

Christine Clemmensen said...

Twinkle twinkle
You're a star :-)
:-) Thank you for your words and your dance of lights

redredday said...

oooh a starry starry night...and golden wishes...beautiful in this space :).

dear Mansuetude, i've been wanting to let you know how delighted i was to know that you have read Autobiography of Red and loved it. one time i sent a copy to a friend and he did not seem taken by it at all. i couldn't help but felt disappointed and disconnected. how could anyone not appreciate that kind of incredible writing? so i am curious ~ which is the other Anne Carson book that you have read? i could not get into her other books as much.

rivergardenstudio said...

so we dwell beneath the sheath... words of beauty and to provoke thoughts inside of me. roxanne

Esti said...

lovely twinkle lights, perfect for this season.

Laura said...

beautiful...shining...birth as the question...our whole life opening to even more questions...satisfied with that openness...with answers that remain mysteries.

layers said...

your words and images are always so thought provoking and with much depth

Laura said...

thanks for all of your messages always make me feel so good!

Christine Clemmensen said...

»grumpie bumpies« :-)) made me smile :-)
wish you a sweet mellow xmas :-)

Laura said...

thinking of you, sending you love and light.