hanging on
Does this answer the riddle!?Who came first the Chicken or the Egg?
also this animation X
I Web page love...
Heard the other night, "there are more photos in the world than bricks; and not one of them is the same." This was written way before digital cameras became popular.
Post and Hollywood B&W photo links at Tumbleword's main site.

Early clematis looking for trellis
Peace and grace to all who enter here.
The top picture is great!
You are so fantasticly encourageing. I have always been afraid to both speak and to write on English. Your words help me to dare! I always read your blog and does not always understand everything… But I enjoy of your beautiful and tranquil and poetic photographs.
Thank you !
This black and white picture is fabulous. It has a zen-like Japanese quality, so sober, simple and BEAUTIFUL.
Your photos and your words are wonderful:) Made me blink and feel the whole world flash by, thinking about the bricks and the photographs. Phoew. makes me feel so humble - all these people, in all this time, documenting their lives and emotions. Humongous:)
Thank you for the links, too.
Esti: thanks for all your warm and poetic compliments.
Marie-louise: you have to dare every day, like an inch an hour. In a year you will have made huge dares! :)
Mary-laure: thank you!! your compliments are wonderful. its actually the sky after a rainy overcast day, that is the color; not b & W literally but color. very somber. yes!
Christine: i love the way you express that, too. the bricks were a bit of a shock to me; can't imagine how many photos are in the digital realm, now, and someday it will all probably be kept someplace! Humanity's photos.
This blue and foggy one is a dream.
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