
lill sweet dress
It is too beautiful a day today to believe in anything less--
not one crumb or crud. : )
Perspective is everything anyway.
Out around 8:30 am walking with my dog
its one of those days that you know marks
the end of winter and the opening of summer.
Everything shines in a clear warm light.
How is it where you are?
Hope for you a similiar feeling.
Nature is a Haunted House -- but Art --
a House that tries to be haunted.
~(Emily Dickinson, Letter to T.W. Higginson)
Tumbleword's sister site
Nazdar ( Hi ) - I really love E.Dickinson! And I envy you the walk with your dog. Every Thuersday and Friday I am teaching - so no walks, no fights and no kisses with the dog :-)
i love emily, too. i think she is not fully understood, yet!
i have been thinking to go back to teaching... it was so consuming, so many voices trying to write--but already conditioned to fear words, voice. some beautiful students, though, too. :)
It is so nice here, the streets are verge swept from grits and trash, the sun shines, adult and children feels expectant - it is spring!
And it is wonderful to take a walk with our dog (we have a small snautzer called Ruffa)
It is always interesting and fruitful to see your poetic pictures and to read yours cunning texts about life.
Oh, these photos are stunning. Ilove blurry pics. End of winter seems to be here now too :)
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