Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yesterday I saw two yellow finch splashing in an old ceramic bowl of rain water--they sat on the bowl's lip a bit to snuggle and preen. Once, I heard a strange knock on my front door. I opened it to see what shy small child might be out there wanting to sell cookies or something from school. Nobody stood there, a tiny yellow finch had thrown itself against the door and fallen to end on the WELCOME mat.
Late last night owls hooted in the dark trees. I whistled up. A whoo, far off in the trees, answered back... at least I tell myself it did. Last night, owls were in my dreams. Does this happen to you, too?
Slideshow * Boneyard of Signs from Vegas (forgive me i don't know where i found it).
foggy hauntings: photos
Listen to Aleksandar Hemon read and discusses Bernard Malamud’s short story “A Summer’s Reading” --* story : when books where vitaly important. Or hear John Cheever's Reunion (a very short story)
or choose your own from the Fiction Podcast Index.
Peace to all, and link to Tumbleword's site (larger images)

airpot parking


Disa said...

oh my...scuba man took me a minute to get my brain oriented. who knew airport parking could be so beautiful :)

Esti said...

that finch story is so sad and poetic. Lovely words.

janie said...

Here in Ireland we don't have yellow finch unfortunately but we do have gold finch as visitors in the summer.
I always answer the pidgins and wonder what I might be saying in cooing lingo or if they can even understand my bad accent:)

janie said...

of course I mean I talk to the Pigeons in Pidgin

Anonymous said...

"to snuggle and preen"... sounds so very apt.

I always enjoy reading these little vingettes of yours.

Mary-Laure said...

I haven't read anything by Hemon, have you?
I did read the article about him in the New Yorker a couple of weeks ago - very interesting.

Anonymous said...

oh my, the story about the finch is heartbreaking.
Like the photo below a lot.

Crafty Green Poet said...

sad story about the finch, I dream about birds too, a lot...

Gwen Buchanan said...

Oh that is sad about the sweet finch.. a dear hummingbird did that at our house... so sad.......

But I always talk to owls...especially at midnight, when I walk with the moon, of course they answer back.. only wish I knew what we were saying...

Anonymous said...

Neat post with lots to think about as always. We have a peacock living about half a mile away from us. It has this weird scream it does at night, took us a while to figure out what it was (actually it took telling my son about it, he knew what it was!)

Christine Clemmensen said...

Thank you, M, for sweet, encouraging and beautiful words the other day. I think you have great clarity, and I feel fortunate that some of it shines my way. Thank you for that. Thank you for your sincerity - in posting and in commenting. I love visiting you, and I love your comments. All the best to you. Light, love and happiness. C

Roxana said...

I want to thank you for your visit and for the way you understood my pictures...

I love Malamud! I'll come back to read your stories and see your pictures...

I agree with esti, sad and poetic...

mansuetude said...

Thanks to all the bird lovers willing to admit they too talk to the birds, i don't feel so odd now. :)

The finch story wasn't meant to make you sad! It was just a small symbolic moment; it seemed like a release when it happened, like something was set free, not sad.

Disa, Scuba "man" might be a WOMAN; it reminded me of a poem "Diving into the Wreck" by Adrienne Rich.

Janie, I bet Irish pidgeons coo with an Irish accent and sip Jameson on the side.

Gracia, I love the way you are so attuned to words.

Mary Laurie, Haven't read Hemon, but thanks for the hint to the was interesting. Now i'd like to know more.

Gwen, I think birds call back to us and we honor each other's existence. Bowing with sound.

Bookbabie, Personally it sounds like the ghost of Flannery Oconner asking someone to listen to her latest story! :)

Christine, thank you. I feel muddled a lot lately. This is a high compliment.

Roxana, thanks for visiting. Its wonderful to have you here.

Katrina said...

i love the part about the finches. and the owl too. and just the way you edit it all together is so lovely. thank you...