Thursday, December 23, 2010

That's the story of that's the glory of...


I watched time weave and also release this pattern drip by watery drip last winter. Somewhere these drops returned to help a plant fruit or flower this year. Perhaps you ate of that fruit or loved on that flower. Perhaps a fish spawned within a river portioned of this melt, or a flock of red winged black birds sipped it warm from a puddle in May, to sing a song open, none knowing or caring it once took on this pattern. Delighting me.

Same for this snow in the White Mountains, New Hampshire. A Church without Bell or Weathervane.

I remember years back reading of helicopters swooping down on old New England barns and churches at night to steal valuable weathervanes. The old ones so collectable.

This molded copper Horse Jumping Through Hoop, 1852-1867. At 17-inch-long sold at auction for $140,000 in February 2007. Image courtesy Skinner Inc. Fun to browse.


So, what's it all about? No matter what comes your way, you know the song!
       "That's the story of that's the glory of ...

        We were singing this earlier, I thought it fit perfectly here. (Jimmy Durante was born in 1893, shocking)
   Blessings.    Enjoy your Holidays.

           and  Always, kindle the Peace.



lynne h said...

"if their philosophy is based on love, count me in". ahhhh... jimmy...

peace and love, M...


layers said...

same to you... happy holidays and happy love filled new year!

Laura said...

deep peace and bright blessings to YOU!!!

Seth said...

Happy holidays to you. Love that first picture! It reminds me of the special and unique quality of you and your blog!

Christine Clemmensen said...

I have so deep a respect for this Connection. Nothing stand alone. And the beauty of it is singing :-)

Thank you for another year of peace and wisdom, inspiration and silence. A year with pain and also much beauty. Nothing stand alone.

Happy New Year, dear M. May it be wonderful on you.
xo,with love,

Numinosity said...

Oh, I how I love Jimmy Durante!
Sweet picture of the church in New Hampshire.
Something about New England winter shots.
Thanks for the words and visits on my blog.
xoxo Kim

rivergardenstudio said...

Oh, I love red-winged black birds. Their sweet call, the way they swoop from the pines down to the river. I look so forward to their return.
Happy new year to you, beautiful one. Thank you for the joy you spread. roxanne