Monday, April 21, 2008

at Home : Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon is running today. Now (photos).

My buddy Boston B is helping with crowd control, and the runners (some of whom will pass out and get sick). The Marathon is opening mark of Spring in Beantown for me (though some believe Spring begins on opening day at Fenway Park built in 1912 where the Red Sox play).

How many times we walked from the house, through a small park, to watch the runners of this marathon? Heartbreak hill just to the right (the hardest hill). On Com Ave, with Boylston Street, the end of the race almost visible, but still far off. College students hanging on all the balconies, drinking, cheering, people all up and down the streets. The night before the race, everyone eating mounds of pasta out at all the restaurants. "Carb"ing up (filling their body with carbohydrates = fuel.)

Some people won't finish the race; broken on the side of the road, hurt, cry, trying not to pass out. The body has its own ideas. The mind... has its dreams. Others just take their time; and you can see people running the route way after the crowds die back; people who may have promised themselves to to finish if they have to walk it, or crawl. It doesn't matter, people cheer them on, pass them Gator aid drinks. There is so much emotion in the air. The famous runners, the Olympians, the wheelchairs, the everyone and anyone person (all of us)--people who run and/or believe in setting goals, meeting dreams.
We've all been talking here how fast the past 4 months passed! In exactly 5 months, the Autumn season opens. Five (5) months... then into the Holidays. 2008 running fast. Maybe it is signed up for the marathon, too. If you see it go past, tell it to slow down. :)
Wish you were here: Pink floyd


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Livros e Revistas, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Esti said...

I like that part: "the body has its own ideas". I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Well, I sometimes wonder what it is, that these people drives to run , run, run....more than their bodies can stand. Don't know, if that's really a kind of sport that is "healthy".

Christine Clemmensen said...

*haha* I think you're right - 2008 has signed up for sure. I can't believe it's almost summer. I remember grown-up telling me, when I was a kid; "if you think time flies now - you just wait! The older you get, the faster time flies". I honestly remember thinking; "You are so cruel - why would you say something like that". Too many grown-ups tell kids to enjoy their youth. I'm taking a vow right here: I want to be one of those old people who say to the youngsters; "you just wait! It gets better and better" :-D

Disa said...

you are right! 2008 feels like it has been a relay race- but nice because of the different people to pass to and from~not alone. who needs to sprint, anyway? it hurts, you miss things, it's over too fast, its not about the journey...

Esti said...

Thank you for your nice comment and your concern about my recent lost friend. Sorry to hear about your brother. Sometimes I feel I'm still a child who doesn't understand the way life works, that needs an explanation on why things happen. But then I turn around and I have four little eyes questioning and I'm the grown up and speechless. A hug to you and your family.

Summer Nicklasson said...

The boston marathon is a true test of human fitness. I ran the Portland, Maine marathon in 2004 and it was by far the hardest thing I'd ever done! I'm from your neck of the woods....though currently I'm landlocked in Denver. I enjoy your New England references. I seem to grow more and more homesick for my old coastal ways every day.

yasu said...

Karin said exactly what I wanted to say:) The body has its own ideas. The mind... has its dreams. You have a beautiful way of describing things.

marie-louise said...

I read your words on Estis blog and I hope on the best for you and your brother.

Anonymous said...

"The body has its own ideas." I'm with Esti, I like this part and I am in full agreement.

take care, g

Mary-Laure said...

I soooo admire people who run marathons...

saloia said...

i love Boston and Pink floyd ***


sulu-design said...

Lovely to find you here. Thanks for your recent comment on my blog - I'm happy to be exploring yours now.

mansuetude said...

Thanks everyone for visiting and saying such nice things; wishing you all well, too.

its too beautiful out to be typing. :)