“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.”
This is my personal "Sign"to all the Christmas commercialism and fantasy stress wanting to rob my inner spirit this time of year. The poster originally designed as Keep Calm and Carry On, intended to be distributed to Britians if Nazis invaded England. Short history found here. Found linking around on Tumblr. (other link cuz tumblr is a bumbler lately)
Everywhere there are signs.
Words, notions, images trying to manipulate us. Even soothe us.
I hate to say, but even in spiritual practice, there, much abuse of knowledge from one perspective can steal so much life, so much time, from the knowing heart in search of Itself.
I hate to say, but even in spiritual practice, there, much abuse of knowledge from one perspective can steal so much life, so much time, from the knowing heart in search of Itself.
design 1 Junya ishigami or lovely as i feel to name him
2 phu hoang + rachely rotem
as always, Peace and Blessings
"...knowledge from one perspective can steal so much life, so much time, from the knowing heart in search of Itself."
So true my friend, so true!!!
Okay, that's direct! One of my favorite things - being direct, not always appreciated across the board. A very southern friend once said about me, "You have to fahgive Kathy, she's kind of abrupt."
Designers are interesting - conceptual and extremely minimal - good information.
Thanks again for challenging my relatively staid sensibilities.
joyous blessings in this glorious season - kvk
just delightful, M... thank you.
: )
so I tucked my hair up under my hat
and I went in to ask him why..
Whoo hoo!
Just had the best three minutes singing along to every word... havent heard it for nearly 40 years.
...and the sign said "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls..."
Hi LauraX. Yes, and i was thinking of someone with knowledge casting shadows on a person of heart.
Thank you.
kvk, well of course. Now I would only use this as an affirmation inside my thought to stop myself from spinning into the endless echo of hunger out there in the city later, Christmas shopping etc...
Have known southerners who will pour "syrup" on your face and then razor slash a person behind their backs later. Integrity is rare maybe. Lots of passive aggressive stupidity out there, even in Spiritual practice, till people are all pretzeled up when they were once headed in the right direction intuitively.
Thanks again for the video.
Lynne, thanks for the snow temple i can see it still, here.
ha ha, grrl. we had to google that song to see if it was that old, and it is! Wild.
Don, its amazing. And now "written" out here in this strange viral data base and we who are mortal know nothing of where it will end up, in whose hands for what purposes. Bigger than all of us, already.
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